You save time by having your loan or lease directed to the most appropriate funding source. You are not limited to one funding source. A bank has one program, a 4 Kings Capital, LLC. has hundreds of programs, available for their clients.
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4 Kings Capital, LLC. offers highly personalized service and will help your company cut through the red tape in the financial lending arena that is often involved in securing business loans from banks and other lending institutions. Having a (4KC) Consultant on your team of professionals is an essential step of having a positive financial Outlook.
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Big Little Deals – Middle Market Growth
Great article discussing the rise in Investors allowing owners to retain control while selling a minority interest. Could your company use a capital injection? #mergersandaquisitions #businessaquisitions #4kingscapital...
Kicking this off in October for local DFW business of under 25 staff.
Bringing quality training at an affordable rate to those businesses whose employees could truly benefit from this subject matter, and benefit the employers by way of a paper trail of due diligence to proactively address potential liabilities if *NOT* trained. I am...
Bridge Lenders Still Need a Complete File
As many of you know, a big part of what I do is try and fix deals that have already blown up or are about to. Many times, I receive these referrals from bankers and brokers that have clients who have either been turned down conventional, or it is taking too long and...
5 Actions Business Owners Need to take NOW
We're just THREE days away from our October Webinar! This is a special webinar revisiting 5 things business owners need to take action on now to maximize their business value. We not only tell you those 5 things but some ways to take action on them. We are all about...
Asset-Based Financing
If your business has cash flow and working capital needs, asset-based financing may be the solution for you. These solutions are often not met by traditional banks. Asset-based financing options are customized to meet the individual needs of each company. Asset-based...
Commercial Property Loans
Commercial Property Loan is a mortgage loan on commercial real estate. As a business owner, why not purchase your property instead of lease it? Owning the building could be the business owner’s best exit plan or retirement plan. A Business Finance Consultant knows the...